LOS ANGELES, CA - The Center for Dance and Performaing Arts has bestowed it’s coveted “Best Proving Ground for Performance Experience Award” to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This award typically goes to performing arts venues and other establishments that not only embrace modern art and dance, but also assist in developing the experience necessary to provide a springboard for employment in professional theater and media ...
“Sunday Mass provides an interesting challenge for me.” explains Sarah Connelly, an interpretive dancer at St. Xavier’s Parish, “Sometimes the pastor wants me to dance throughout the whole Mass. It’s hard finding innovative ways to translate things like ‘Theosis’, ‘Hypostatic Union’, and all of the Beatitudes into bodily motions, but somehow I find a way!”

HA HA HA HA HA HA! Seriously, I can't emphasise it enough. Hilarious.
Too bad you only have a photograph of the liturgical dancing - we really would have loved a video ... HA!
Really sad. An award will only perpetuate this nonsense.
To Zach and Cherri:
Liturgical Dancing
A nice one by Bishop Vasa!
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